Pro-choice defenders take sympathies to this woman while she then gets called a murderer by pro-life supporters. Abortions sometimes results in the woman being harassed because of the choice she has made about her own body. Pro-choice supports the girl that was too young to lose her virginity and becomes pregnant because she wasn’t fully aware of the consequences of her actions. The choice of her keeping the child would result in her getting kicked out of her home, she’d be financially incapable to support the baby, and she would lose her education. With abortion she would not have to deal with these issues, though she would have to deal with the traumatizing emotional aspect of deciding to terminate the fetus. Pro-choice supports the idea she would learn from her mistake and that ultimately it was her choice to do what she wished with her body. The results of the experience for this girl would develop a maturity and evolution, rather than a state of repression.

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